Thursday 2 November 2023

Karna’s Odyssey- insights on morality and valour.

My reading of one of the greatest Hindi poem, ‘Rashmirathi’ by Rastrakavi Shree Ramdhari Singh Dinkar. 

"Rashmirathi," often referred to as a Khand Kavya (almost an epic), is a literary masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of epic poetry, coming close to achieving the status of an epic in its own right. Let us go through some of the key themes of the great epic.  

(picture source- Pinterest )

The book starts with the reverence for strength, valour, and the source of power, emphasizing that these qualities are to be admired wherever they are found, just as one would respect a sacred fire.

जय हो जग में जले जहां भी, नमन पुनीत अनल को

जिस नर में भी बसे, हमारा नमन तेज को बल को।

Throughout the book, one can tell, it revolves around the respect and reverence for the moral qualities and righteousness of its central character Karna, the protagonist whose life unfolds as a result of the cruel and seemingly inescapable machinations of destiny. The greatness of the character is such that one is tempted to liken Karna to Krishna, and at times see him in a greater light. 

What makes Karna's character in "Rashmirathi" all the more captivating is his embodiment of unwavering virtues and morality. Despite being subjected to the harshest trials of fate, Karna steadfastly refuses to stray into the realm of unethical means to secure victory in the great war. Even the venerable sage Ved Vyas himself extols Karna's virtues, heralding him as the greatest among humans and the foremost warrior of the Dwapara era. (Not mentioned in this book though). 

Ved Vyas, in his praise of Karna, eloquently states, "Karna, the son of Vikartana possessed a colossal reservoir of energy. In battle, he was to meet his end at the hands of his adversaries. Just as Indra stands preeminent among the gods, Karna was unparalleled among men. Throughout the three realms, none other has been found comparable to these two extraordinary beings.”

Bheeshma likens him to Krishna as he says- 

पार्थोपम रथी, धनुर्धारी,

केशव-समान रणभट भारी,

धर्मज्ञ, धीर, पावन-चरित्र, 

दीनों-दलितों के विहित मित्र,

अर्जुन को मिले कृष्ण जैसे,

तुम मिले कौरवों को वैसे।

Yudhisthira cannot conceive that Arjuna would ever succeed in defeating Karna, and even Krishna himself designates Karna as the epitome of virtuous humanity and a true leader of the world. 

Reflect for a moment on this extraordinary character – the epitome of righteousness – finding himself on the wrong side of history, where destiny orchestrates a sequence of tragic and ironic turns in his life:

  1.  Karna, born as the first child of Kunti and the son of the Sun God, is tragically denied his rightful name and status, enduring humiliation throughout his life. However, he never wavers in his commitment to morality, refusing to return to the Pandavas even when Krishna and Kunti implore him to do so just before the Kurukshetra war. In response to Kunti’s request to come back to Pandvas Karna says 

जन्मा लेकर अभिशाप, हुआ वरदानी,

आया बनकर कंगाल, कहाया दानी।

दे दिये मोल जो भी जीवन ने माँगे,

सिर नहीं झुकाया कभी किसी के आगे।

"पर हाय, हुआ ऐसा क्यों वाम विधाता ?

मुझ वीर पुत्र को मिली भीरू क्यों माता ?

  1.  Endowed with the divine Kavach and Kundal, the ultimate protective armor, Karna loses it to Indra through deceit. His unwavering commitment to granting any wish to a seeker becomes his lifeline, but he still refuses to retract his promise, giving Indra the Kavach and Kundal.

'एक विनय है और, आप लौटें जब अमर भुवन को,

दें दें यह सूचना सत्य के हित में, चतुरानन को,

'उद्वेलित जिसके निमित्त पृथ्वीतल का जन-जन है,

कुरुक्षेत्र में अभी शुरू भी हुआ नही वह रण है।

'दो वीरों ने किंतु, लिया कर, आपस में निपटारा,

हुआ जयी राधेय और अर्जुन इस रण मे हारा।'

यह कह, उठा कृपाण कर्ण ने त्वचा छील क्षण भर में,

कवच और कुण्डल उतार, धर दिया इंद्र के कर में।

  1.  Karna's dedication and hard work enable him to acquire unparalleled archery skills under the tutelage of Guru Parshuram, earning the guru's affection. Yet, a fateful twist of fate occurs when he inadvertently disturbs his guru's sleep, leading to a scorpion bite that reveals his Kshatriya lineage. All his efforts are in vain as he receives a curse from his guru, preventing him from utilizing this knowledge when he needs it most. How tragic. Parshuram says- 

तूने छल किया, दण्ड उसका, अवश्य ही पायेगा,

परशुराम का क्रोध भयानक निष्फल कभी न जायेगा।

'मान लिया था पुत्र, इसी से, प्राण-दान तो देता हूँ,

पर, अपनी विद्या का अन्तिम चरम तेज हर लेता हूँ।

सिखलाया ब्रह्मास्त्र तुझे जो, काम नहीं वह आयेगा,

है यह मेरा शाप, समय पर उसे भूल तू जायेगा।

  1. The irony is palpable when Draupadi refuses to let Karna participate in her Swayamvar, withholding his chance to shoot the eye of the fish, only to later express her wish that she had married Karna during their 13th year of exile. This revelation comes to light during a 'truth' test orchestrated by Krishna.

  2. You often must have heard the quote that ‘you must be ready to die for the idea you believe in.’ the greatest people whom we revere were great only because they refused compromise on the values they truly believed in. Karna should be considered as the greatest in that sense. Be it his commitment to Friendship, or charity or ethical ways of war, he never mend his ways. The greatest among warriors roars as- 

असंभव कल्पना साकार होगी,

पुरुष की आज जयजयकार होगी।

समर वह आज ही होगा मही पर,

न जैसा था हुआ पहले कहीं पर ।

चरण का भार लो, सिर पर सँभालो;

नियति की दूतियो ! मस्तक झुका लो ।

चलो, जिस भाँति चलने को कहूँ मैं,

ढलो, जिस माँति ढलने को कहूँ मैं "

  1. Paradoxically, Krishna advises Arjuna to employ an unethical strategy, targeting Karna while he is not on his chariot and engaged in the act of removing a stuck wheel. Karna doesnt ask Arjun for mercy, but a righteous war. These are the words of a man who sees his death so close-

'नरोचित धर्म से कुछ काम तो लो !

बहुत खेले, जरा विश्राम तो लो ।

फंसे रथचक्र को जब तक निकालूं,

धनुष धारण करूं, प्रहरण संभालूं,'

'रुको तब तक, चलाना बाण फिर तुम;

हरण करना, सको तो, प्राण फिर तुम ।

नहीं अर्जुन ! शरण मैं मागंता हूं,

समर्थित धर्म से रण मागंता हूं ।'

  1. In a climactic turn of events, just before Arjuna beheads Karna, Krishna admonishes Karna for straying from the path of righteousness- 

प्रलापी ! ओ उजागर धर्म वाले !

बड़ी निष्ठा, बड़े सत्कर्म वाले !

मरा, अन्याय से अभिमन्यु जिस दिन,

कहां पर सो रहा था धर्म उस दिन ?

However, the same Krishna praises Karna as the paragon of moral rectitude.

उगी थी ज्योति जग को तारने को ।

न जन्मा था पुरुष वह हारने को ।

मगर, सब कुछ लुटा कर दान के हित,

सुयश के हेतु, नर-कल्याण के हित ।'

8. To end, the character of Karna the central to the semi-epic of Mahabharat, among, if not taller, almost equal to that of Krishna. The greatness of the character of Karna can be summed up as such- 

पर, तब भी रेखा प्रकाश की जहाँ कहीं हँसती है,

वहाँ किसी प्रज्वलित वीर नर की आभा बसती है;

जिसने छोड़ी नहीं लीक विपदाओं से घबराकर ।

दो जग को रोशनी टेक पर अपनी जान गँवाकर ।

I understand, the sophistication level of the Hindi used here was quite high. But I guess, it wouldn't be possible to create such a level of poetry without the use of this level of sophistication.

If you could understand half of what you read here, you must read Rashmirathi.

Do comment on what you liked the most, and what improvements I could incorporate in this write up.

Till we meet again,

D Ram. 

Faith, Desperation and Tragedy.

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